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I love to travel and I try to get away at least twice a year! My favorite places I’ve visited so far are Greece and Cabo.


I’m a doting dog mom to two rescue pups, Daisy and Zena.


In my downtime, I love reading and listening to podcasts. My favorites as of late are Betches’ U Up? and Hey Babe! with Sal Vulcano and Chris DiStefano.


If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, hands down, it’s pizza!


The short version of the story is that I’ve always had a desire to help people in the medical field! After high school, I attended Sacred Heart University in Connecticut and graduated in 2013 with a Bachelors of Science degree in Nursing. My time as an RN found me working in various settings and specialized fields, including the OR, Surgical ICU, and Hematology/Oncology.

In the following years, I went on to pursue my Masters of Science in Nursing at Stony Brook University, graduating as a board-certified Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner in 2020. In addition to injecting, I currently also work full-time as an Oncology Nurse Practitioner.

Having always had a passion for aesthetics, I decided to obtain additional training, and pursued my aesthetic injections certification in 2018. Since then, I have

undergone specialized one-on-one training with experienced injectors. I have also worked toward receiving additional certifications in advanced aesthetic injections and procedures, helping me to become as safe and effective an injector as possible. This ultimately gave me the confidence and desire to work independently, and led me to start my own business.

I personally love being on two very different sides of the healthcare industry. Being a nurse practitioner in aesthetics is so much more than just Botox and fillers. It affords me the opportunity to build people up with confidence, to listen to my clients and their needs, and to ultimately transform their lives! I love making people feel like the best possible version of themselves, and helping people in all areas of healthcare is my ultimate goal. With both of my jobs, I truly get the best of both worlds!

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